
Story: The Physical
Element: Earth

How would someone navigate the story and elemental archetypes in their teens?

Card meaning

Can you imagine what life would be like as a teenager with unlimited access to money? Such is the story of the Page of Pentacles. He is down to earth and responsible because of his Earthy nature and his experiences in privilege. His familiarity with money has granted him a strong education and understanding of how to manage his estate better than most adults.

He would make a great friend because his resources allow him opportunities not afforded to others, and he is generous. Like all of the Pages, he is a messenger, bringing job offers and other advice for how to manage your affairs.

But like all teenagers, he is still learning and prone to making mistakes. His advice is best followed by those in similar circumstances, and he has a hard time understanding the motivations of those who don’t have what he does. This could cause him to fall into certain traps or schemes, or make bad investments with those who would take advantage of him.

When the Page of Pentacles shows up in a reading, beware of bad advice. If the advice is coming from someone who has experience and is on the same “level” as you are, then you may find it helpful, but if there is a big gap in experience or wealth, you may find the advice difficult or inappropriate, or downright dangerous if someone is trying to take advantage of you. Still, if you are trying to get rich, the best consorts are those who are already wealthy. Surrounding yourself with these people and this energy will eventually get you opportunities that will generate success, if you can figure out what the true opportunity is.