
Story: The Emotional
Element: Water

The Twos are the first step in the journey. They are about decisions and focusing the energy of the Aces. Keywords: Duality. Choices.

Card meaning

The story of the Two of Cups may be the most romantic of all the stories in the Tarot. It almost always represents a new, harmonious relationship between two people. However, the relationship is immature, and while there is potential for a long-term union, no relationship can be successful without real and enduring work.

No one can be prepared for a relationship without first accepting all facets of themselves. In that thread, the Two of Cups can also represent our need to accept ourselves by bring together our own two parts. Our most powerful union is the one we have when we unite the yin and the yang of our own person, the duality of our emotions in particular.

When the Two of Cups appears, expect so much synergy to appear in our relationships that outsiders may even describe our relationships as being two halves to the same person. Whether or not that synergy can stand the test of time is still up for debate, and depends on the energy and effort expended by the individuals involved. A high self-love prepares us more fully to love others, so if this budding relationship falls apart we can only blame ourselves. See it as a sign that you have more self-work to do.